fina texter,
people always leave.
fake a smile, it's so much easier than expaining why you're sad.
i don't know who to trust anymore.
i think im afraid to be happy because whenever you do get too happy something bad always happens.
it's funny how the people who hurt you the most,
are the ones who said that they never would.
just so you know. i will never come back to you,
it's fucking over and i mean it.
real friends see your tears before they fall.
sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want the in your life.
people's bullshit and fakeness are the main reasons why i like to be alone.
people cry,not because they're weak.
it's because they've been strong for too long.
the best thiing about the pictures of you and me,
is that they wont change, even though you have.
några fina texter,jag älskar såna hära texter,älskar weheartit.
ska nog sätta på lite one tree hill snart, som jag alltid gjorde innan. love it.
fake a smile, it's so much easier than expaining why you're sad.
i don't know who to trust anymore.
i think im afraid to be happy because whenever you do get too happy something bad always happens.
it's funny how the people who hurt you the most,
are the ones who said that they never would.
just so you know. i will never come back to you,
it's fucking over and i mean it.
real friends see your tears before they fall.
sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want the in your life.
people's bullshit and fakeness are the main reasons why i like to be alone.
people cry,not because they're weak.
it's because they've been strong for too long.
the best thiing about the pictures of you and me,
is that they wont change, even though you have.
några fina texter,jag älskar såna hära texter,älskar weheartit.
ska nog sätta på lite one tree hill snart, som jag alltid gjorde innan. love it.